Monthly Moves
Monthly Moves: Charting Our Strategies, April 2023
May 8, 2023


Equity markets moved little in April as both the 10-year Treasury yield and credit spreads remained relatively stable.

Sean Clark
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Market Update
Market Update – Fed Hits the Pause Button, Without Saying Pause!
May 3, 2023


As widely expected, the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates by 0.25% and hinted that it may be the final move in the most aggressive tightening campaign since the 1980s. Read Chief Investment Officer Sean Clark’s latest Market Update.

Sean Clark
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Benchmark Review
Benchmark Review & Monthly Recap, April 2023
May 3, 2023

By: and

In a modest change to the recent trend, large-cap value stocks outperformed large-cap growth companies in April, but the trend of large-caps outperforming small and mid-caps persisted during the month.

Peter Eisenrich
Glenn Dorsey View This Post

Market Update
Investor Market Update: Webcast Replay
April 27, 2023


In this webcast replay, Head of Client Portfolio Management Glenn Dorsey, CFA®, CAIA® shares our latest economic insights.

Glenn Dorsey
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Office Hours
Can the U.S. Dollar Be Challenged?
April 24, 2023


In this new Office Hours video, Client Portfolio Manager John Archbold addresses investor concerns about the U.S. dollar’s status within the global economy.

Jamie Mullen
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Live From Philly: Redefining Wealth Management in the Age of AI featuring Andrew Smith Lewis

The robots aren’t coming — they’re already here. But are they friend or foe? Join us on September 24th at 11:00 a.m. ET as we welcome special guest and AI expert Andrew Smith Lewis, founder and CEO of Alai Studios. In this interactive webcast, Andrew will share his insights into the evolving role of technology and AI in the wealth management industry. He’ll challenge the narrative of a technological takeover and offer a thrilling alternative: What if AI isn’t our replacement, but our rocket fuel?

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