Market Outlook
2022 Mid-Year Market Outlook Resource Center
June 15, 2022


Visit the Mid-Year Market Outlook Resource Center to watch the replay of Clark Capital’s 2022 Mid-Year Market Outlook, download the slides, and discover investing ideas for today’s markets.

Sean Clark
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Monthly Moves
Monthly Moves: Charting Our Strategies, May 2022
June 7, 2022


The selling pressure that had materialized over the past couple months continued for much of May, with the S&P 500 falling 5.6% through May 20th.

Sean Clark
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Benchmark Review
Benchmark Review & Monthly Recap, May 2022
June 6, 2022

By: and

Growth stocks remained under pressure during May, but general stock market strength late in the month helped a few broad U.S. equity indices push slightly higher. For a recap of the month, read our latest Benchmark Review.

Peter Eisenrich
Glenn Dorsey View This Post

Advisor Insights & Ideas
Markets in Turmoil: A 3-Step Process for Better Client Conversations
May 12, 2022


Not all types of conversation are effective. In this article, we’ll share a three-step process for communicating effectively with clients during times of stress.

Patty Quinn McAuley
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Market Update
Nowhere to Hide
May 10, 2022


As bad as it has been in the equity markets, bonds have also seen historic declines. Read Chief Investment Officer Sean Clark’s latest Market Update.

Sean Clark
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Live From Philly: Mastering Efficiency — Transform Your Practice with Time-Saving Strategies

Join us on July 24th at 11:00 a.m. ET as we welcome special guest Libby Greiwe, founder of the Efficient Advisor podcast. During this live webcast, Libby will share key strategies to help you stay organized, reduce stress, and effectively scale your practice. You’ll walk away with practical action items designed to enhance your business efficiency and growth, allowing you to work smarter, not harder.

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