Market Moves
Market Moves: Charting Our Strategies, November 2020
December 8, 2020


Within the hard-hit consumer space, hotels, casinos, cruise lines and airlines rallied on the hope of a more positive 2021 outlook. In this market environment, a barbell approach seems appropriate within our bottom-up equity portfolios.

Sean Clark
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Advisor Insights & Ideas
Best Ideas Series: Our Favorite Client Gifts and Socially Distanced Holiday Events
November 25, 2020


As the holidays approach, it can be hard to find ways to stay connected with your clients in a socially distanced or virtual way. Here are some of our favorite ways that advisors are staying connected and showing appreciation to their clients this holiday season.

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Advisor Insights & Ideas
Three Ways Income Planning Can Help Your Clients Make Better Decisions
November 24, 2020


As our industry begins to address the income needs of the aging baby boomer population, arming clients with a personalized income roadmap can help them stay on the right track to reach their desired outcomes.

Patty Quinn McAuley
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Advisor Insights & Ideas
Best Ideas Series: Streamline Communications for Better Meetings
November 18, 2020


Providing consistent communication during challenging markets can present a growth opportunity for advisors. In a study conducted by Invesco, 82% of investors who heard from their financial advisor during the start of the pandemic would be happy to refer their advisor to a friend or family member…

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Market Moves
Market Moves: Charting Our Strategies, October 2020
November 10, 2020


In April, the market rallied sharply with the S&P 500 as it posted its biggest monthly gain since 1987, up 12.82%. Drivers for the rally included improving COVID-19 trends, slow re-opening plans for the economy, and possible treatments on the horizon. With earnings season in full swing, the number of buyback cancellations…

Sean Clark
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Live From Philly: Redefining Wealth Management in the Age of AI featuring Andrew Smith Lewis

The robots aren’t coming — they’re already here. But are they friend or foe? Join us on September 24th at 11:00 a.m. ET as we welcome special guest and AI expert Andrew Smith Lewis, founder and CEO of Alai Studios. In this interactive webcast, Andrew will share his insights into the evolving role of technology and AI in the wealth management industry. He’ll challenge the narrative of a technological takeover and offer a thrilling alternative: What if AI isn’t our replacement, but our rocket fuel?

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