The Clark Capital Team

Patrick Schoenberger
Associate Relationship Manager
Trevor Burlison
Investment Consultant
Carl D’Aquila
Platform Investment Consultant
Terence Thompson
Data Specialist
Edward Kerper
Platform Consultant
Michael Begley
Investment Consultant
Sophie Croce
Sales Coordinator: Platform
Noah Howard, CIMA®
Investment Consultant
Carly Brufke
Associate Platform Consultant
Connor Fife
Associate Client Portfolio Analyst
Colin McKeever
Associate Client Portfolio Analyst
Doug Hughes
Platform Consultant
Jeff Greiner
Platform Consultant
Ryan Gardner, CFA®
Client Portfolio Manager
Jason Snyder, CFP®
Investment Consultant
Kristy Brennan
Graphic Designer and Digital Marketing Specialist
Jeffrey Coron, CIMA®
Head of National Accounts
Patrick Schultz, J.D., CEPA®
Senior Wealth Planner
Justin Terman
Investment Consultant
Andrew Babin
Engagement Consultant